Raffle-tastic: Enter NOW! BIG prizes: Chris Truss and Hogg Robinson Group

25 June 2010

Chris Truss and friends at Hogg Robinson Group have organsied an online raffle, via Virgin Money Giving, in aid of FTFE with some  absolutely INCREDIBLE prizes: Chris Truss will explain the rest;
Dear All,
Along with a number of colleagues and team members at HRG, we have been set a task by our management to raise as much money as possible for charity. In order to do this, we have put together a charity raffle for our chosen charity, FTFE with some excellent prizes to tempt you to part with your hard earned cash…………!

Each ticket only costs £2.50 – even if you only buy 1 then the FTFE benefits and you still have a chance of winning?!

Our prizes are:

The lucky winners will be drawn on Friday 9th July 2010 and will be independently drawn by two people not involved in the draw.

If you want to enter the raffle go to http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/hrgfollowthatfireengine simply donate as much money as you wish, and you will be allocated one ticket for each £2.50 submitted.

Thanks for your support for this and if you have any questions, please let me know!

Cheers Chris

From everyone at FTFE thank you Chris, HRG and team.


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